Largest prime number ever know !

The largest prime number till found in

243112609  –  1   ( mersenne primes )
This number was discovered  by G1 year 2008 . This number has total of 12978189 digits .   Landon Curt Noll computed the decimal value of this prime with calc and the English name with number.

Here is the top 10 mersenne primes known

rank prime digits who when reference
1 243112609-1 12978189 G10 2008 Mersenne 47??
2 242643801-1 12837064 G12 2009 Mersenne 46??
3 237156667-1 11185272 G11 2008 Mersenne 45?
4 232582657-1 9808358 G9 2006 Mersenne 44?
5 230402457-1 9152052 G9 2005 Mersenne 43?
6 225964951-1 7816230 G8 2005 Mersenne 42?
7 224036583-1 7235733 G7 2004 Mersenne 41
8 220996011-1 6320430 G6 2003 Mersenne 40
9 213466917-1 4053946 G5 2001 Mersenne 39
10 26972593-1 2098960 G4 1999 Mersenne 38


About shivang1729

I am a young student who loves math . I like number theory and inequalities part the most , and preparing for Math Olympiads :)

Posted on Thursday,April 5, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. #10 on your list is wrong – its 19249 x 2^13018586 + 1, digits: 3918990 , 2007

  2. Well a interesting thing about primes is the ulam spiral . You may chech it out

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